The Job search
WHat have I been doing since Graduation?
After graduating in December from the University of Virginia with a Distinguished B.A. in Poetry Writing and Global Sustainability, people began constantly asking me what I was going to do with my Poetry degree. I never hesitate to be up front about the fact that I was a poetry major, not an English major, though the degrees at UVA weren’t terribly different in terms of required courses. I began looking for jobs in December, not sure what I really wanted to do, only certain that I didn’t want to give up my creative spark for the purpose of making money. I began trying to build up a freelance platform using websites like (a website that served me well when I was 18) and (a website that I had no luck with). When I realized that building up a base for freelance work would take longer than anticipated, I got a job at Wampler and Associates Rehabilitation in Harrisonburg, Virginia as an administrative assistant. While working for my family business has been a blessing, it’s not the kind of work I want to do— I want to be a writer.
I tried finding work on Indeed, Handshake, and LinkedIn (see my LinkedIn and connect with me here), nothing seemed to be working! I had several interviews with several companies, but either the pay wasn’t competitive enough or I didn’t have enough “experience” to get the jobs (a frequent complaint from those needing services on UpWork). But I didn’t give up! I don’t think that we should be required to compromise our baseline desires for the sake of money (a hot take) and I didn’t compromise on my requirements.
I was hired this week by a company I found on Instagram. For the next 6 months, I’ll be writing AP Study Guides for English Literature for StudySmarter, a free study app for students that originated in Munich, Germany. It’s a remote job, but learning how to work on the computer as a writer is something I’ll need to do. I’m excited that I signed a lease in Virginia as well. Things seem to be coming together professionally and personally.
Let me know how your job search has gone or if you want pointers on how to compete with applicants that are more experienced than you. I love helping people out with finding their way. Don’t settle professionally! Be a competitive applicant and interviewee.
Holding my diploma fresh from the mail.